McBean Middle Island 2018
Nature of Event 活動性質: 3.7 km Open Water Swimming Race 3.7公里海上游泳賽
Date 日期: 22 September 2018 2018年9月22日
Time 時間: 8:30a.m. 上午 8時30分
Entry Fees 報名費用:
Prizes 獎項: Medals for Top 3 in each category 每個組別頭3名將獲得獎牌
(Male / Female, Under 16 / 17-25 / 26-39 / 40-49 / 50 & Over). (男子/女子,16或以下 / 17-25 / 26-39 / 40-49 / 50或以上)。
Trophies and cash prize for overall female and male champions. 總冠軍將會獲得獎盃和獎金。
Rules and Regulations
1. Declaration of responsibility is required for all swimmers
2. No one should join the race unless he/she is physically fit, in excellent health, and fully expected to finish within the cut off time of 1hour 30minutes.
3. You may be asked to provide proof of competence. If fail to do so, you may not be allowed to race.
4. Swimmers must obey instructions to kayakers, helpers and personnel of the race.
5. This is a club event. Swimmers will take full responsibility and safety during the race.
6. Wetsuit is not allowed.
7. Safety buoy is mandatory during the race.
Gathering Map/Route Map 集合地點/活動路線圖:
Assemble at 7:30am at Deep Water Bay, Victoria Recreation Club, race start at 8:30,
上午 7時30分 在深水灣 Victoria Recreation Club集合,比賽上午 8時30分開始
Date 日期: 22 September 2018 2018年9月22日
Time 時間: 8:30a.m. 上午 8時30分
Entry Fees 報名費用:
- Early Bird: $250 (until July 31st, 2018) 早鳥優惠: $250 (至31/07/2018)
- Standard: $300 (until September 14th, 2018) 標準價: $300 (至14/09/2018)
- Last chance: $350 (until September 21st, 2018) 最後機會: $350 (至21/09/2018)
- Registration on race day is not allowed. 不設現場報名
Prizes 獎項: Medals for Top 3 in each category 每個組別頭3名將獲得獎牌
(Male / Female, Under 16 / 17-25 / 26-39 / 40-49 / 50 & Over). (男子/女子,16或以下 / 17-25 / 26-39 / 40-49 / 50或以上)。
Trophies and cash prize for overall female and male champions. 總冠軍將會獲得獎盃和獎金。
Rules and Regulations
1. Declaration of responsibility is required for all swimmers
2. No one should join the race unless he/she is physically fit, in excellent health, and fully expected to finish within the cut off time of 1hour 30minutes.
3. You may be asked to provide proof of competence. If fail to do so, you may not be allowed to race.
4. Swimmers must obey instructions to kayakers, helpers and personnel of the race.
5. This is a club event. Swimmers will take full responsibility and safety during the race.
6. Wetsuit is not allowed.
7. Safety buoy is mandatory during the race.
Gathering Map/Route Map 集合地點/活動路線圖:
Assemble at 7:30am at Deep Water Bay, Victoria Recreation Club, race start at 8:30,
上午 7時30分 在深水灣 Victoria Recreation Club集合,比賽上午 8時30分開始